● 基本信息:
学术兼职:全国材料与器件科学家智库环境材料专家委员会-常务委员,中国化学会,美国化学会,国家自然科学基金评审专家,Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Journal of Hazardous. Materials, Journal of Material Chemistry B等国际SCI期刊审稿人。
● 教育(工作)经历:(从本科写起,含在外进修、国外访学、工作等)
● 教学情况:
● 科研领域:
● 研究生招生:
● 科研成果:(包括项目、论文,成果,鉴定、专利、著作、在研课题等,主要的、有代表性的)
先后入选河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划及河南省中原“英才计划”-中原青年拔尖人才支持计划。承担科研项目10余项,其中主持国家自然科学基金-面上项目1项、国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金项目1项、河南省优秀青年基金1项、国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目1项、河南省高校科技创新人才项目1项、河南省科技攻关项目1项、中国科学院国家重点实验室项目1项、河南省高校基本科研业务费-国家优青培育项目1项及伟德国际BETVlCTOR科技创新团队1项。以主要研究骨干参与江苏省科技厅重点项目和江苏省科技厅面上项目各一项。近五年来,在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Journal of Hazardous. Materials, Journal of Material Chemistry B, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Applied Surface Science, Dyes and Pigments, Journal of Material Chemistry, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry等国际期刊上共发表SCI论文50余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文30余篇,含SCI收录1区、2区论文共21篇。申请专利10余项,授权6项。
一 项目:
8.河南省高校基本科研业务费-国家优青培育项目:磁性纳米材料的设计及其肿瘤预警性能研究,30万元,主持 2017-2019。
9.河南省科技厅科技攻关项目:新型长效海洋防污涂料的研制,10万元,主持, 2016-2018。
15.江苏省科技厅面上项目:Au-Ni 纳米颗粒负载叶酸靶向给药系统对肺癌早期诊断的研究,25万元,第五,2015-2017。
二 近五年代表性论文(SCI一区及二区):
[1] Xiangzhen Chen, Jun Xu, Yongxin Li, Lina Zhang, Ning Bi, Jian Gou, Taofeng Zhu, Lei Jia*. A novel intelligently integrated MOF-based ratio fluorescence sensor for ultra-sensitive monitoring of TC in water and food sample. Food Chemistry, 405 (2023) 134899. (SCI 1区,影响因子9.231)
[2] Xiangzhen Chen, Jun Xu*, Yongxin Li, Tongqian Zhao, Lina Zhang, Ning Bi, Jian Gou, Lei Jia*. Two birds with one stone: Visual colorful assessment of dipicolinic acid and Cu2+ by Ln-MOF hybrid attapulgite nano-probe. Applied Surface Science 605 (2022) 154665. (SCI 1区,影响因子7.392)
[3] Lei Jia, Zhitao Xu, Lina Zhang, Yongxin Li, Tongqian Zhao*, Jun Xu*. The fabrication of water-stable perovskite-europium hybrid polychromatic fluorescence nanosensor for fast visual sensing of tetracycline. Applied Surface Science 592 (2022) 153170. (SCI 1区,影响因子7.392)
[4] Lina Zhang, Yiru Xu, Jun Xu*, Huiju Zhang, Tongqian Zhao*, Lei Jia*. Intelligent multicolor nano-sensor based on nontoxic dual fluoroprobe and MOFs for colorful consecutive detection of Hg2+ and cysteine. Journal of Hazardous Materials 430 (2022) 128478. (SCI 1区,影响因子14.224)
[5] Jun Xu, Rui Li, Zhitao Xu, Xiangzhen Chen, Yongxin Li, Tongqian Zhao*, Lei Jia*. Killing two birds with one stone: Construction of a rare earth hybrid dual-channel fluorescent biosensor with intelligent broadcasting function and visualized synchronous assessment of multi-objectives. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 369 (2022) 132341. (SCI 1区,影响因子9.221)
[6] Lei Jia, Xiangzhen Chen, Jun Xu*, Lina Zhang, Shengli Guo, Ning Bi, Taofeng Zhu. A smartphone-integrated multicolor fluorescence probe of bacterial spore biomarker: The combination of natural clay material and metal-organic frameworks. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 402:123776. (SCI 1区,影响因子14.224)
[7] Lei Jia, Rujie Chen, Jun Xu*, Lina Zhang, Xiangzhen Chen, Ning Bi, Jian Gou, Tongqian Zhao*. A stick-like intelligent multicolor nano-sensor for the detection of tetracycline: The integration of nano-clay and carbon dots. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 413, 125296. (SCI 1区,影响因子14.224)
[8] Lina Zhang, Yuli Wang, Lei Jia*, Ning Bi, Hongyan Bie, Xiangzhen Chen, Chuanxiang Zhang*, Jun Xu*. Ultrasensitive and visual detection of tetracycline based on dual-recognition units constructed multicolor fluorescent nano-probe. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 409, 124935. (SCI 1区,影响因子14.224)
[9] Jun Xu, Shengli Guo, Lei Jia*, Tinghui Zhu, Xiangzhen Chen, Tongqian Zhao*. A smartphone-integrated method for visual detection of tetracycline. Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 416, 127741. (SCI 1区,影响因子16.744)
[10] Jun Xu, Beibei Zhang, Lei Jia*, Ning Bi, Tongqian Zhao. Metal-enhanced fluorescence detection and degradation of tetracycline by silver nanoparticle-encapsulated halloysite nano-lumen. J. Hazard. Mater., 2020, 386, 121630. (SCI 1区,影响因子14.224)
[11] Lei Jia, Beibei Zhang, Jun Xu *, Tinghui Zhu, Rujie Chen, Feng Zhou. Chameleon Luminophore for erasable encrypted and decrypted device: From dual-channel, programmable, smart sensory lanthanide hydrogel to logic devices. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2020, 12, 19955−19964. (SCI 1区,影响因子10.383)
[12] Jun Xu, Beibei Zhang, Lei Jia*, Yanping Fan, Rujie Chen, Tinghui Zhu, Baozhong Liu. Dual-mode, color-tunable, lanthanide-doped core−shell nanoarchitectures for anti-counterfeiting inks and latent fingerprint recognition. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2019, 11, 35294−35304. (SCI 1区,影响因子10.383)
[13] Jun Xu, Rujie, Chen, Lei Jia*, Xiaoke Shen, Tongqian Zhao, Lei Su, Shengli Guo, Tieliang Ma, Beibei Zhang, Qi Guo, Zhijun Ge, Taofeng Zhu. Janus applications: A mutifunctional nano-platform with integrated visual detection and photodegradation of tetracyclines. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 484:1-10. (SCI 1区,影响因子7.392)
[14] Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Jianliang Cao, Yan Wang, Xiaolei Zhao, Ning Bi, Shengli Guo, Tianyi Ma. A lanthanide-based magnetic nanosensoras an erasable and visible platform for multi-color point-of-care detection of multiple targets and the potential application by smartphone, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7: 734-743. (SCI 1区,影响因子7.571)
[15] Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Tao Zhou, Tieliang Ma, Zhouqing Xu, Jianliang Cao,Zhijun Ge, Ning Bi, Taofeng Zhu*, Shengli Guo, Xiaohui Li. A novel visual ratiometric fluorescent sensing platform forhighly-sensitive visual detection of tetracyclines by a lanthanide-functionalized palygorskite nanomaterial. J. Hazard. Mater., 2018, 342:158-165. (SCI 1区,影响因子14.224)
[16] Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Mingming Zhang, Tao Zhou, Yukun Wei. Facile ratiometric fluorapatite nanoprobes for rapid and sensitive bacterialspore biomarker detection. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 87: 991–997. (SCI 1区,影响因子12.545)
[17] Jun Xu, Tinghui Zhu, Xiangzhen Chen, Dan Zhao, Yongxin Li, Lina Zhang, Ning Bi, Jian Gou, Lei Jia*. Tri-channel tubular lanthanide nanocomposites for multimodal anti-counterfeiting. Journal of Luminescence 256 (2023) 119647.
[18] Ning Bi, Yin-Hong Zhang, Mei-Hua Hu*, Jun Xu, Wei Song, Jian Gou, Yong-Xin Li, Lei Jia*. Highly selective and multicolor ultrasensitive assay of dipicolinic acid: The integration of terbium(III) and gold nanocluster. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 284 (2023) 121777.
[19] Jun Xu, Junxi Wang, Lei Jia*, Taofeng Zhu*. Integration of silicon nanodots and rare earth functionalized amino clay for intelligent colorful assessment of tetracycline. Journal of Molecular Liquids 372 (2023) 121158
[20] Jun Xu, Rui Li, Zhitao Xu, Xiangzhen Chen, Yongxin Li, Jian Gou, Lina Zhang, Ning Bi, Lei Jia*. Rapid visualized assessment of tetracycline in actual fruit samples: The combination of perovskite and rare earth complexes. Journal of Luminescence 257 (2023) 119753.
[21] Lei Jia, Zhitao Xu, Rujie Chen, Xiangzhen Chen and Jun Xu*. Dual-Channel Probe of Carbon Dots Cooperating with Lanthanide Complex Employed for Simultaneously Distinguishing and Sequentially Detecting Tetracycline and Oxytetracycline. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 128.
[22] Jun Xu, Tinghui Zhu, Jianchao Shi*, Bo Song, Lina Zhang, Dan Zhao, Xiyan Dong, Ning Bi, Jian Gou, Lei Jia*. A dual-stimuli-responsive intelligent layered lanthanide hydroxide for application in information security and latent fingerprint identification. Journal of Rare Earths 40 (2022) 1715-1727.
[23] Lei Jia, Xiangzhen Chen, Jun Xu*, Lina Zhang, Xiyan Dong, Dan Zhao, Ning Bi, Taofeng Zhu*, Tongqian Zhao*. Europium-based aminoclay containing carbon dots: A new visual fluorescence platform for visual point-of-care testing of tetracycline in various real samples. Journal of Luminescence 241 (2022) 118497.
[24] Xiangzhen Chen, Lei Jia*, Lina Zhang, Yongxin Li, Jun Xu*. Stimulus response of HNT-CDs-Eu nano-sensor: Toward visual point-of-care monitoring of a bacterial spore biomarker with hypersensitive multi-color agarose gel based analytical device. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 639 (2022) 128356.
[25] Lei Jia, Youshu Zhang, Taofeng Zhu*, Jun Xu*. Study on visual multicolor intelligent detection of tetracycline antibiotics in various environmental samples by palygorskite-based fluorescent nano-probe. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 642 (2022) 128690.
[26] Lina Zhang, Junyu Chen, Feng Zhang, Jun Xu*, Ning B, Jian Gou, Lei Jia*. Silicon quantum dots and MOFs hybrid multicolor fluorescent nanosensor for ultrasensitive and visual intelligent sensing of tetracycline. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 652 (2022) 129853.
[27] Jian Gou, Yousong Hu, Tinghui Zhu, Junyu Chen, Jun Xu*, Ning Bi, Lina Zhang, Yongxin Li, Lei Jia*. pH-responsive hybrid materials with dynamic photoluminescence for anti-counterfeiting, encryption and biogenic amines detection. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 653 (2022) 129963.
[28] Lina Zhang, Feng Zhang, Junyu Chen, Lei Jia*, Yongxin Li, Jun Xu*. Stimuli-responsive luminescent nanomaterial based on lanthanide modified carbon dots for multilevel information encryption. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 654 (2022) 130043.
[29] Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Zhijun Ge, Dong Zhou, Yong Yang, Tieliang Ma, Yifeng Luo, Taofeng Zhu, GdPO4‑Based Nanoprobe for Bioimaging and Selective Recognition of Dipicolinic Acid and Cysteine by a Sensing Ensemble Approach. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2019, 5: 996-1004.
[30] Lei Jia, Shengli Guo, Jun Xu, Xiangzhen Chen, Tinghui Zhu, Tongqian Zhao*. A Ratiometric Fluorescent Nano-Probe for Rapid and Specific Detection of Tetracycline Residues Based on Dye-Doped Functionalized Nanoscaled Metal–Organic Framework. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 976.
[31] Jun Xu, Shengli Guo, Lei Jia*, Wensheng Zhang. Palygorskite Supported AuPd Alloy Nanoparticles as Efficient Nano-Catalysts for the Reduction of Nitroarenes and Dyes at Room Temperature. Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 1000.
[32] Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Chuanxiang Zhang, Tieliang Ma, Tao Zhou,Taofeng Zhu, Zhouqing Xu, Jianliang Cao, Baozhong Liu, Ning Bi, Lianqi Liu, Yizhe Li. A ratiometric nanosensor based on lanthanide-functionalized attapulgite nanoparticle for rapid and sensitive detection of bacterial spore biomarker. Dyes and Pigments., 2018, 148:44-51.
[33] Lei Jia, Wensheng Zhang, Jun Xu*, Jianliang Cao, Zhouqing Xu, Yan Wang. Facile Fabrication of Highly Active Magnetic Aminoclay Supported Palladium Nanoparticles for the Room Temperature Catalytic Reduction of Nitrophenol and Nitroanilines. Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 409.
[34] Lei Jia, Tao Zhou, Jun Xu, Fenghai Li, Zhouqing Xu, Beibei Zhang, Shengli Guo, Xiaoke Shen, Wensheng Zhang. AuPd Bimetallic Nanocrystals Embedded in Magnetic Halloysite Nanotubes: Facile Synthesis and Catalytic Reduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds. Nanomaterials 2017, 7, 333.
[35] Lei Jia, Tao Zhou, Jun Xu*, Zhouqing Xu, Baozhong Liu, Huijun, Li, Junling Sun, Jianliang Cao, Xiaoke Shen, Xiaohui Li. Synthesis and characterization of PdRu alloy-coated palygorskite-based nanocomposites as a magnetically recyclable multifunctional catalyst for reduction of nitroarenes and azo. Mater. Lett., 2017, 197:24-27.
[36] Jun Xu, Tao Zhou, Lei Jia*, Xiaoke Shen, Xiaohui Li, Huijun Li, Zhouqing Xu, Jianliang Cao. Generation and thermally adjustable catalysis of silver nanoparticle immobilized temperature-sensitive nanocomposite. J. Nanopart. Res., 2017, 19: 103.
[37] Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Zhouqing Xu, Tao Zhou, Xiaohui Li, Tieliang Ma, Huijun Li, Yuan Wang, Taofeng Zhu. Facile synthesis of folic acid-conjugated fluorapatite nanocrystals for targeted cancer cell fluorescence imaging. Mater. Lett. 2017, 203:37–41.
三 专利
(4)贾磊,徐君,陈泽华,别红彦,徐周庆,周涛,发明专利:可同时识别并高效降解四环素的纳米复合材料的制备方法及应用,2019,中国,授权号ZL 201710030405.3。