史显磊,男,1987年2月生,副教授/博士生导师,先后毕业于天津大学并在新加坡IBN、香港理工大学从事访学研究或学术交流。江苏省“双创人才”、河南省科技研发计划青年科学家、河南省高校基础研究专项负责人、河南省优青、伟德国际BETVlCTOR杰青等;担任国家自然科学基金评审专家,教育部人才计划评审专家,教育部学位中心研究生学位论文评审专家和河南省、安徽省、河北省、江西省等多个省份的科技专家库成员,以及河南省化工学会理事,Catal. Today (IF 5.3)、Adv. Fiber Mater. (IF 16.1)、Front. Chem. (IF 5.5)、Mod. Res. Catal. (IF 1.8)、低碳化学与化工、化学研究等特刊编辑或(青年)编委和Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nat. Commun.、Green Chem.等三十余个期刊的审稿人或仲裁人。
联系方式:shixl@tju.edu.cn & shixl@hpu.edu.cn
URL: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/Q-2330-2015
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(22378099),2024.01至2027.12,主持
[2] 国家重点研发计划子课题(SQ2022YFE012915),2023.1-2025.12,主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(21802034),2019.01至2021.12,主持
[4] 河南省优秀青年科学基金(242300421135),2024.01至2026.12,主持
[5] 河南省科技研发计划联合基金-青年科学家(225200810106),2023.01至2025.12,主持
[6] 江苏省双创计划-双创人才(JSSCRRC2021253),2022.01至2025.12,主持
[7] 河南省科技研发计划联合基金-优势学科培育(222301420047),2023.01至2024.12,主持
[8] 中国博士后基金面上项目(2023M730983),2023.09至2025.08,主持
[9] 河南省高校基础研究专项(22ZX004),2022.01至2024.12,主持
[10] 徐州市“高层次创新创业人才引进资助计划”,2021.01至2024.12,主持
[11] 省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题重点项目(2022-K17),2022.01至2023.12,主持
[12] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(212102210631),2021.01至2022.12,主持
[13] 河南省自然科学基金面上项目(182300410143),2018.01至2019.12,主持
[14] 河南省博士后科研项目(HN2022026),2023.01至2024.12,主持
[15] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(172102210282),2017.01至2018.12,主持
[16] 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(17A150012),2017.01至2018.12,主持
[17] 伟德国际BETVlCTOR杰出青年基金(J2023-2),2023.01至2025.12,主持
[18] 安全学科“双一流”创建工程入库项目(AQ20230749),2023.01至2025.12,主持
[19] 河南省高校基本科研业务费专项(NSFRF170910),2018.01至2019.12,主持
[20] 河南省煤炭绿色转化重点实验室开放基金(CGCF201703),2017.01至2018.12,主持
[21] 企业委托技术开发项目(H23-523,50万),2023.09至2025.08,主持
[22] 企业委托技术开发项目(H21-187,20万),2021.04至2022.12,主持
[1] Xian-Lei Shi*, Yue Lv, Tian Zhang, Qianqian Hu, Keren Shi, Zhenhua Li, Polyetheretherketone fiber-supported TBD as an efficient fibrous superbase catalyst for organic conversions in continuous-flow processing. Journal of Catalysis, 2023, 418, 110-120.
[2] Shuangshuang Liu, Xian-Lei Shi*, Tian Zhang, Qianqian Hu, Keren Shi, Zhenhua Li, Quaternary ammonium salt functionalized polyetheretherketone fiber: a novel fibrous material for phase-transfer catalysis. Reactive & Functional Polymers, 2023, 182, 105479.
[3] Xian-Lei Shi*, Mengmeng Du, Benyu Sun, Shuangshuang Liu, Lijuan Jiang, Qianqian Hu, Honghui Gong, Gang Xu, Baozhong Liu, A novel Fiber-supported superbase in spinning basket reactor for cleaner chemical fixation of CO2 with 2-aminobenzonitriles in water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430, 133204.
[4] Lijuan Jiang, Xian-Lei Shi*, Yue Lv, Shuangshuang Liu, Mengmeng Du, Qianqian Hu, Keren Shi, Acid-base bifunctional catalysis by a heteropolyacid and amines on the polyetheretherketone fiber for cleaner acceleration of the one-pot tandem reactions. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2022, 113, 439-449.
[5] Xian-Lei Shi*, Lijuan Jiang, Benyu Sun, Shuangshaung Liu, Mengmeng Du, Qianqian Hu, Honghui Gong, Baozhong Liu, Tuning acid-base cooperativity to create bifunctional fiber catalysts for one-pot tandem reactions in water. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 6, 2280-2291.
[6] Xian-Lei Shi*, Benyu Sun, Qianqian Hu, Kun Liu, Pengyu Li, Juanjuan Wang, Recyclable polyetheretherketone fiber-Supported N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts for nucleophilic acylation of fluorobenzenes. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 11390-11393.
[7] Pengyu Li, Yuanyuan Liu, Liwei Mi, Xian-Lei Shi*, Peigao Duan, Jianliang Cao, Wenqin Zhang, Bifunctionalized polyacrylonitrile fibers as highly efficient and selective heterogeneous catalysts for cycloaddition of CO2 with epichlorohydrin under mild conditions. Catalysis Today, 2020, 355, 162-170.
[8] Xian-Lei Shi*, Benyu. Sun, Qianqian. Hu, Kun. Liu, Pengyu. Li, Baozhong. Liu, A novel fiber-supported cooperative catalyst for the carboxylation of terminal alkynes through CO2 utilization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 395, 125084.
[9] Long-Fei Xie, Yu-Ping Xu, Xian-Lei Shi*, Feng Wang, Pei-Gao Duan, Shi-Chang Li, Hydrotreating the distillate fraction of algal biocrude with used engine oil over Pt/C for production of liquid fuel. Catalysis Today, 2020, 355, 68-74.
[10] Xian-Lei Shi*, Benyu Sun, Qianqian Hu, Yongju Chen, Peigao Duan, Fiber-supported Fe(III) complex catalyst in spinning basket reactor for cleaner ring-opening of epoxides with alcohols. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 3573-3582.
[11] Xian-Lei Shi*, Benyu Sun, Yongju Chen, Qianqian Hu, Yueli Meng, Peigao Duan, Tuning anion species and chain length of ligands grafted on the fiber for an efficient polymer-supported Ni(II) complex catalyst in one-pot multicomponent A3-coupling. Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 372, 321-329.
[12] Qianqian Hu, Xian-Lei Shi*, Yongju Chen, Feng Wang, Peigao Duan, Fiber-polyquaterniums@Cu(I) as recyclable polymer-supported copper complex catalysts for alkyne coupling and cycloaddition reactions. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2019, 69, 387-396.
[13] Xian-Lei Shi*, Yongju Chen, Peigao Duan, Wenqin Zhang, Qianqian Hu, Conversion of CO2 into organic carbonates over a fiber-supported ionic liquid catalyst in impellers of the agitation system. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 7119-7127.
[14] Pei-Gao Duan, Shi-KunYang, Yu-Ping Xu, Feng Wang, Dan Zhao, Yu-Jing Weng, Xian-Lei Shi*, Integration of hydrothermal liquefaction and supercritical water gasification for improvement of energy recovery from algal biomass. Energy, 2018, 155, 734-745.
[15] Xian-Lei Shi*, Qianqian Hu, Yongju Chen, Feng Wang, Peigao Duan, Conversion of biomass components to methyl levulinate over an ultra-high performance fiber catalyst in impellers of the agitation system. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018, 65, 264-271.
[16] Xian-Lei Shi*, Yongju Chen, Qianqian Hu, Hao Meng, Peigao Duan, Fiber-supported poly(quaternaryammonium bromide)s as supported-phase transfer catalysts in the spinning basket reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 7450-7457.
[17] 史显磊,腈纶纤维负载催化技术,化学工业出版社,2020, ISBN: 978-7-122-35760-1
[18] 史显磊,胡倩倩,孙保亮,江丽娟,吕越. 一种超强纤维负载三唑鎓盐温敏型催化剂的制备方法,2023,发明专利,授权号:ZL202310835454.X
[19] 史显磊,刘爽爽,杜孟孟,江丽娟,孙本宇. 一种超强纤维负载席夫碱钯催化剂的制备方法,2023,发明专利,授权号:ZL202110515279.7
[20] 史显磊,江丽娟,胡倩倩,杜孟孟,刘爽爽,孙本宇. 一种超强纤维负载酸碱双功能催化剂的制备方法,2023,发明专利,授权号:ZL202011572257.6
[1] https://www.chembeango.com/zixun/57862 (CBG资讯)
[2] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YsQ_1MFgxWezALdqXAaNEQ (研之成理)
[3] https://www.chembeango.com/zixun/49979c5 (CBG资讯)
[4] http://www.polymer.cn/sci/kjxw15441.html (中国聚合物网)