l 基本信息:
姓名:徐君 (Jun Xu)
出生年月:1985. 11. 25
学术兼职:中国稀土学会稀土晶体专业委员会青年委员、全国材料与器件科学家智库环境材料专家委员会委员、中国化学会会员、美国化学会会员、国家自然科学基金评审专家,国际知名期刊Biosens. Bioelectron.、J. Hazard. Chem、J. Mater.Chem. B等审稿人。
l 工作及教育经历:
2018.7-2020年12月,伟德国际BETVlCTOR地质资源和地质工程博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师: 赵同谦 教授。
l 教学情况:
l 科研领域:
l 科研成果:
目前主持或参与国家级项目6项,省部级项目5项,授权发明专利4项。近五年来,在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Journal of Hazardous. Materials, Journal of Material Chemistry B, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Applied Surface Science, Dyes and Pigments, Journal of Material Chemistry, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry等国际期刊上共发表SCI论文50余篇,其中SCI一区及二区论文20余篇。于2019年入选河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划,代表性成果如下:
(1)徐君,贾磊,赵晓雷,徐周庆;?王元,发明专利:一种快速检测水相中氟离子的纳米复合材料的制备方法,2018,中国,授权号 ZL 201510807540.5。
(3)贾磊,徐君,陈泽华,别红彦,徐周庆,周涛, 发明专利:可同时识别并高效降解四环素的纳米复合材料的制备方法及应用,2019,中国,授权号ZL 201710030405.3。
(5)王元,贾磊,吴伟娜,蔡红新,徐君,发明专利:吡咯酰腙铜配合物配体及的合成方法,2016,中国,授权号 ZL201310469910.X。
(1) Lei Jia, Rujie Chen, Jun Xu*, Lina Zhang, Xiangzhen Chen, Ning Bi, Jian Gou, Tongqian Zhao*. A stick-like intelligent multicolor nano-sensor for the detection of tetracycline: The integration of nano-clay and carbon dots
(2) Jun Xu, Beibei Zhang, Lei Jia*, Ning Bi, Tongqian Zhao*. Metal-enhanced ?uorescence detection and degradation of tetracycline by silver nanoparticle-encapsulated halloysite nano-lumen. J. Hazard. Mater., 2020, 386, 121630. (SCI 1区,影响因子 9.038)
(3) Jun Xu, Shengli Guo, Lei Jia*, Tinghui Zhu, Xiangzhen Chen, Tongqian Zhao*. A smartphone-integrated method for visual detection of tetracycline. Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 127741. (SCI 1区,影响因子10.652)
(4) Lei Jia, Xiangzhen Chen, Jun Xu*, Lina Zhang, Shengli Guo, Ning Bi, Taofeng Zhu*. A smartphone-integrated multicolor fluorescence probe of bacterial spore biomarker: The combination of natural clay material and metal-organic frameworks. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 402:123776. (SCI 1区,影响因子9.038)
(5) Lina Zhang, Yuli Wang, Lei Jia*, Ning Bi, Hongyan Bie, Xiangzhen Chen, Chuanxiang Zhang*, Jun Xu*. Ultrasensitive and visual detection of tetracycline based on dual-recognition units constructed multicolor fluorescent nano-probe. J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 124935. (SCI 1区,影响因子9.038)
(6) Lei Jia, Beibei Zhang, Jun Xu*, Tinghui Zhu, Rujie Chen, Feng Zhou. Chameleon Luminophore for erasable encrypted and decrypted device: From dual-channel, programmable, smart sensory lanthanide hydrogel to logic devices. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2020, 12, 19955?19964. (SCI 1区, 影响因子 8.758)
(7) Jun Xu, Beibei Zhang, Lei Jia*, Yanping Fan, Rujie Chen, Tinghui Zhu, Baozhong Liu. Dual-mode, color-tunable, lanthanide-doped core?shell nanoarchitectures for anti-counterfeiting inks and latent fingerprint recognition. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2019, 11, 35294?35304. (SCI 1区, 影响因子 8.758)
(8) Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Jianliang Cao, Yan Wang, Xiaolei Zhao, Ning Bi, Shengli Guo, Tianyi Ma. A lanthanide-based magnetic nanosensoras an erasable and visible platform for multi-color point-of-care detection of multiple targets and the potential application by smartphone, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7: 734-743. (封面文章,影响因子 5.344)
(9) Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Mingming Zhang, Tao Zhou, Yukun Wei. Facile ratiometric fluorapatite nanoprobes for rapid and sensitive bacterialspore biomarker detection. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2017, 87: 991–997. (SCI 1区, 影响因子 10.257)
(10) Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Tao Zhou, Tieliang Ma, Zhouqing Xu, Jianliang Cao,Zhijun Ge, Ning Bi, Taofeng Zhu*, Shengli Guo, Xiaohui Li. A novel visual ratiometric fluorescent sensing platform forhighly-sensitive visual detection of tetracyclines by a lanthanide-functionalized palygorskite nanomaterial. J. Hazard. Mater., 2018, 342:158-165. (SCI 1区,影响因子 9.038)
(11) Taofeng Zhu, Xiuqin Ma, Ruhua Chen, Zhijun Ge, Jun Xu*, et al. Using fluorescently-labeled magnetic nanocomposite as a dual contrast agent for optical and magnetic resonance imaging. Biomater. Sci., 2017, 5:1090-1100. (SCI 2区)
(12) Jun Xu, Lei Jia, Nengzhi Jin, YuFei Ma, Xiao Liu, Wenyu Wu, WeiSheng Liu, Yu Tang*, Feng Zhou. Fixed-Component Lanthanide-Hybrid-Fabricated Full-Color Photoluminescent Films as Vapoluminescent Sensors. Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 4556-4562. (SCI 2区)
(13) Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Zhijun Ge, Dong Zhou, Yong Yang, Tieliang Ma, Yifeng Luo, Taofeng Zhu, GdPO4?Based Nanoprobe for Bioimaging and Selective Recognition of Dipicolinic Acid and Cysteine by a Sensing Ensemble Approach. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2019, 5: 996-1004. (SCI 2区)
(14) Jun Xu, Rujie, Chen, Lei Jia*, Xiaoke Shen, Tongqian Zhao, Lei Su, Shengli Guo, Tieliang Ma, Beibei Zhang, Qi Guo, Zhijun Ge, Taofeng Zhu. Janus applications: A mutifunctional nano-platform with integrated visual detection and photodegradation of tetracyclines. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 484:1-10. (SCI 2区)
(15) Jun Xu, Zhihong Sun, Lei Jia, Bo Li, Long Zhao, Xiao Liu, Yufei Ma, Hao Tian, Qin Wang, Weisheng Liu, Yu Tang*. Visible Light Ssensitized Attapulgite-Based Lanthanide Composites: Microstructure, Photophysical Behaviour and Biological Application. Dalton Trans., 2011, 40, 12909-129. (SCI 2区)
(16) Jun Xu, Ye Zhang, Hao Chen, WeiSheng Liu, Yu Tang*. Efficient visible and
near-infrared photoluminescent attapulgite-based lanthanide one-dimensional nanomaterials assembled by ion-pairing interactions. Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 7903-7910. (SCI 2区)
(17) Lei Jia, Shengli Guo, Jun Xu*, Xiangzhen Chen, Tinghui Zhu, Tongqian Zhao*, A Ratiometric Fluorescent Nano-Probe for Rapid and Speci?c Detection of Tetracycline Residues Based on Dye-Doped Functionalized Nanoscaled Metal–Organic Framework. Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 976. (SCI 2区)
(18) Jun Xu, Shengli Guo, Lei Jia*, Wensheng Zhang, Palygorskite Supported AuPd Alloy Nanoparticles as Efficient Nano-Catalysts for the Reduction of Nitroarenes and Dyes at Room Temperature. Nanomaterials, 2018.12, 8(12): 1000. (SCI 2区)
(19) Lei Jia, Wensheng Zhang, Jianliang Cao, Zhouqing Xu, Jun Xu*. Facile Fabrication of Highly Active Magnetic Aminoclay Supported Palladium Nanoparticles for the Room Temperature Catalytic Reduction of Nitrophenol and Nitroanilines. Nanomaterials, 2018.06, 8(6): 409. (SCI 2区)
(20) Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Chuanxiang Zhang, Tieliang Ma, Tao Zhou,Taofeng Zhu, Zhouqing Xu, Jianliang Cao, Baozhong Liu, Ning Bi, Lianqi Liu, Yizhe Li. A ratiometric nanosensor based on lanthanide-functionalized attapulgite nanoparticle for rapid and sensitive detection of bacterial spore biomarker. Dyes and Pigments., 2018, 148:44-51. (SCI 2区)
(21) Jun Xu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Jia*, Zhouqing Xu, Tao Zhou, Xiaohui Li, Tieliang Ma, Huijun Li, Yuan Wang, Taofeng Zhu. Facile synthesis of folic acid-conjugated fluorapatite nanocrystals for targeted cancer cell fluorescence imaging. Mater. Lett. 2017, 203:37–41. (SCI 2区)
(22) Lei Jia, Tao Zhou, Jun Xu*, Zhouqing Xu, Mingming Zhang, Yuan Wang, Zhongyue Li, Taofeng Zhu. Visible light-induced lanthanide polymer nanocomposites based on clays for bioimaging applications. J. Mater. Sci., 2016, 51:1324-1332. (SCI 2区)
(23) Lei Jia, Tao Zhou, Jun Xu*, Xiaohui Li, Kun Dong, Jiancui Huang, Zhouqing Xu*. The Enhanced Catalytic Activities of Asymmetric Au-MnO Nanoparticle Decorated Halloysite-Based Nanocomposite for the Degradation of Organic Dyes. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2016, 11:72. (SCI 2区)
(24) Lei Jia, Tao Zhou, Jun Xu*, Zhouqing Xu, Baozhong Liu, Huijun, Li, Junling Sun, Jianliang Cao, Xiaoke Shen, Xiaohui Li. Synthesis and characterization of PdRu alloy-coated palygorskite-based nanocomposites as a magnetically recyclable multifunctional catalyst for reduction of nitroarenes and azo. Mater. Lett., 2017, 197:24-27. (SCI 2区)
(25) Lei Jia, Tao Zhou, Jun Xu*, Fenghai Li, Zhouqing Xu, Beibei Zhang, Shengli Guo, Xiaoke Shen and Wensheng Zhang. AuPd Bimetallic Nanocrystals Embedded in Magnetic Halloysite Nanotubes: Facile Synthesis and Catalytic Reduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds. Nanomaterials, 2017, 7:333. (SCI 2区)
(26) Jun Xu, Tao Zhou, Lei Jia*, Xiaoke Shen, Xiaohui Li, Huijun Li, Zhouqing Xu, Jianliang Cao. Generation and thermally adjustable catalysis of silver nanoparticle immobilized temperature-sensitive nanocomposite. J. Nanopart. Res., 2017, 19: 103. (SCI 2区)
(27) Lei Jia, Jun Xu*, Xiaolei Zhao, Shanshan Shen, Tao Zhou, Zhouqing Xu*, Taofeng Zhu*, Ruhua Chen , Tieliang Ma, Jing Xie, Kun Dong, Jiancui Huang. Synthesis, characterization, and antitumor activity of three ternary dinuclear copper (II) complexes with a reduced Schiff base ligand and diimine coligands in vitro and in vivo. J. Inorg. Biochem., 2016, 159:107-119. (SCI 2区)